We review how your company interacts with:

  • customers,
  • employees,
  • suppliers, and
  • partners.

We look at what people say about your business on social media public profiles, we may review external sources such as Yelp, Glassdoor, and other sites to evaluate positive and negative reviews for relevant comments.

We will also review the HR policies and practices you provide, and conduct brief surveys with some of your partners, vendors, or suppliers. If, throughout this review process, we discover any “red flags” or areas for concern, we will contact you and discuss any opportunities to resolve them so that we can proceed with approving your application for Certified Civil™.

Note: this is a $300.00 non-refundable application fee. If approved you will be asked to authorize an additional membership subscription of $200.00 every 24 months.

The Small Business Certification applies to owner-operated businesses and should be completed by the business owner. We certify the three main relationship aspects with those with whom businesses typically interact: their customers, employees, and suppliers.

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