About Masonic Civility

Masonic Civility

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Spread Civility

At the 2014 Conference of Grand Masters of North America, Masonic leaders joined forces to address the need for a more civil society. The Masonic Family Civility Project is one result of this ongoing effort.

As Freemasons, members of the entire Masonic family are particularly well-suited to help restore civility in society, having the principles and tenets, the working tools and language, and the history and tradition of civility.

For more information or to join the effort, email info@MasonicCivility.org.

“Civility costs nothing,
but buys everything.”

Mary Wortley Montagu

Plan of Action

Getting Started Is Easy

The best way to get started is by becoming a Masonic Civility Ambassador.


Become an Ambassador

Learn what civility is and the best ways you can advocate for civility through this course and certification program.


Access Resources

Bookmark this site to ensure you always have access to the resources you need to champion civility.


Join the Community Forum

Join other likeminded members of the Masonic family to share resources and ideas in a dedicated Facebook group.